
projects using BERSERK

This page describes some of the projects using BERSERK.

Fénix Project

Fénix Project is an open-source university management system that aims to incorporate all on-line campus activities and related management services.

Because it is a study case in Software Engineering classes, all students are potential developers for this system. On an yearly basis, development and maintenance know how is passed to near 200 students, building a considerable developer base.

Fénix's goals include reducing the gap between the information and the users, performing a consistent integration of data and functionality, integrating diverse application domains, achvieve sustainability, reproducibility and alignment with university's organizational goals.

Technologically speaking, Fénix uses some widespreaded open-source projects like OJB, Struts and Tomcat. 

Fénix project begun about two years ago and it's use is available to whole IST's campus since June the 18th, 2003. Since the original concept about 4 years have passed. Detailed information (in Portuguese) is available here

BERSERK is an evolution to Fénix's security system, that became a standalone library, for use with application with similar needs. Fénix is using BERSERK's as an external library since November, 2003.

Description by Fénix's Project Leader



WorkSCo's Interface

This project aims to implement a Jakarta Struts based web interface for the WorkSCo workflow management system.
It allows the workflow manager to specify each task's page design without concenning about the integration with the resto of the web site.
It also separates tasks definition from their page design. From the point of the end user (the workflow actors), the interface allows the load of workflow definitions, running various instances of it (with many users in the process). It also gives a user the possibility to retrieve a task for him/herself, being that the other users are denied access to that task.
The interface intends to be able integrate itself to several working systems, via a functional Service-Oriented API.
Description by a WorkSCo's developer

Distributed Development of Software

This is a project management tool which uses WorkSCO's workflow manager. It manages items like tasks, iterations and produced artifacts allowing to monitor the development process. The main goal is to help scalling xtreme programming and agile methodologies, of geographically scattered teams.

Software Engineering Course (GesDis)

Currently BERSERK is used in the Software Engineering Course at IST which have about 200 students per year. Students use BERSERK to implement a Service-Oriented Architecture using full filtering capabilities and both XML and OJB storage layer.
Description by a Software Engineering Course teacher