This page explains how to create a BERSERK transactional object.
BERSERK ships with a OJB transactional object.
If you need to customize transaction handling, you must
implement a transactional object.
BERSERK's architecture is ready to be extended in many ways.
Transaction is just one of the possibilities.
A transaction object is responsible for assuring a certain
isolation level to storage data.
In BERSERK two transactional object are used: one
to handle BERSERK's filters, chains and services defitions operations and
another to handle application's domain data manipulation. Obviously they can be
instances of the same class, or even the same instance (if following the
Singleton design pattern).
In BERSERK V1.0 no write methods are available in BERSERK's DAO,
so transaction handling is not a preocupation. However, the application may
have transactional needs, and therefore a transactional object must be
BERSERK ships with two transactional objects: the Empty
implementation that does absolutelly nothing, and the OJB implementation that
uses OJB's Transaction object.
The beginTransaction(), abortTransaction() and the
commitTransaction() are calledback by BERSERK framework. The other methods (for
example the lockWrite() method) must be called explicitly by the developers.
the broker
A transaction broker must implement the following interface in
order to be use by the BERSERK framework:
public interface ITransactionBroker
public void beginTransaction() throws StorageException;
public void commitTransaction() throws StorageException;
public void abortTransaction() throws StorageException;
public void lockRead(List list) throws StorageException;
public void lockRead(Object obj) throws StorageException;
public void lockWrite(Object obj) throws StorageException;
The beginTransction() and commitTransaction() methods will be
calledback before and after a transactional service execution. The
abortTransaction() method will be calledback if anything goes wrong with the
service execution.